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- Natural, Deep Penetrating Pain Relief 床的世界
- Fast Relief for Deep Muscle & Back Pain
- Sports Injuries & Over-Exercising
- Professional Strength Formula 床的世界
- Relieves Muscle ? Joint ? Tendon ? Pain & Inflammation
- Non-Greasy
- Absorbs Quickly
- No Animal Testing or By-Products
- Safe & Effective
- Natural Homeopathic
Sport Gel is a safe, natural solution that provides penetration relief from muscle, joint and tendon pain and inflammation. This professional strength, full-spectrum formula can be applied to the back, neck, elbow, wrists, hamstrings, knees, shins, ankles and other areas for the treatment of pulled muscles, strains, sprains, shin splints, carpal tunnel syndrome and other conditions. Whether you are a dedicated athlete, weekend warrior or someone who just pushes your body too hard, Sports Gel will help ease your pain and speed your recovery.
- Temporary relieves deep muscle and back pain, stiffness, and swelling associated with overexertion, sprains, falls, blows and minor sports injuries.
- Relieves joint and tendon pain and inflammation.
Boericke & Tafel, 創傷外用凝膠,2.5盎司